Welcome to GD Web!

Note: I am not a scammer, and I will never give myself credit for scratch games other people created, this serves as a type of "level browser" for easy finding. Check out iPhone (main creator) on Scratch! iPhone's scratch profile
Please do not leave hateful comments or accuse these creators of any type of theft, as this is a HOBBY for them, do not complain about the physics either, this is something very hard to code.



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How to Play

Press Up, W, or Space to Jump/Flap/Switch Gravity, hold to Fly/Wave

Level Editor Tutorial

Once you have loaded the editor, use the spacebar to launch the editor. Press the z and m buttons on your keyboard at the same time, and you have entered editor mode. Use the number keys to build a level
1 - Blocks
2 - Inside Geometry/Decor
3 - Spikes
4 - Long Blocks
5 - Special
6 - Speed Portals and More
7 - Slopes and More
8 - Pits and More
9 - Monsters and More